New(s) @ Axe

News and Events of the Leonard H. Axe Library, and of the
Kansas Technology Center Library - Pittsburg (KS) State University

Monday, August 04, 2008

New Interlibrary Loan system launches in August.

Continuing the Axe Library’s goal to improve Library services, the Axe Interlibrary Loan Department will institute a major change this month. Beginning August 12th, a new Interlibrary Loan system known as ILLiad will be put into place. ILLiad, or “InterLibrary Loan Internet accessible database”, allows Axe patrons to monitor their Interlibrary Loan requests, ask for renewals, and pick up electronically delivered articles. In addition, citations from major databases such as WorldCat or PubMed will automatically populate request forms, saving time for patrons, and providing complete and accurate information to lending libraries. RSS technology, up to the minute request status, and the ability to search active and completed requests is also built into each account.

Accounts, created with the Gus Login ID and GUS PIN, are established when making the initial Interlibrary Loan request. Community patrons have access to Interlibrary Loan by obtaining a PSU Library Card and Axe PIN, after which they may set up an ILLiad account and begin using the service.

With ILLiad the Library will begin a Document Delivery pilot program for PSU faculty, scanning and delivering articles from our collection directly into personal ILLiad accounts, using a companion software package called “Odyssey”.

If you have any questions, please call the Interlibrary Loan department at 620-235-4890.

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