New(s) @ Axe

News and Events of the Leonard H. Axe Library, and of the
Kansas Technology Center Library - Pittsburg (KS) State University

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Twenty-Fourth Annual Faculty Author Reception

The 2007 Faculty Author Reception will be held Thursday, November 8 at 3 p.m. in the Axe Library browsing area on the first floor. The Reception is presented by Axe Library and the Friends of Axe Library. The 2007 book authors, with their works on display, will be honored at the Reception. In addition to the book authors, the works of over forty authors of articles and other creative works will also be on display.

The books and authors featured at this year’s Reception include:

Donald Baack.

International Business.
New York: McGraw-Hill/Glencoe, 2008.

International Business. Teacher Annotated Edition.
New York: McGraw-Hill/Glencoe, 2008.

International Business is a textbook for high school students to introduce them to the various aspects of the global economy they will need to understand in order to succeed. The Teacher Annotated Edition provides a variety of activities for teachers including lesson plans, thematic projects, culture corners, and worksheets. The units are correlated to the National Business Education Standards.

Pedro-Bravo Elizondo and Judy Berry-Bravo.

Literatura Chilena en el Exilio: Fernando Alegria y David Valjalo.
Iquique: Ediciones Campvs, Universidad Arturo Prat, 2007.

Dr. Berry-Bravo and her husband have produced a study of two of Chileans who spent much of their lives in exile. Alegria was a poet, novelist, and critic taught at Stanford University and Valjalo was a poet, essayist, and editor of Chilean Literature in Exile.

Stephen Haag and Maeve Cummings.

Information Systems Essentials. 2nd ed.
Boston: McGraw-Hill/ Irwin, 2008.

Information Systems Essentials, is a popular textbook for college students in MIS and IT. Much updated and new material in case studies, group and team projects give the text a new look. One of the new features is a prologue “Living in the Digital Age” which gives students a look at where technology has taken us and what the future has in store for us.

Shirley K. Drew. Melanie B. Mills, and Bob M. Gassaway, Eds.

Dirty Work, The Social Construction of Taint.
Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2007.

The editors, who also authored many of the chapters, provide a look at the day to day life of those necessary, but often unpleasant and sometimes “dirty” professions. They interview and analyze the lives of judges, lawyers, correctional officers, policemen, nurses, firemen, ambulance drivers, secretaries, truckers, caretakers for addiction/AIDS/HIV, and forensic pathologists. The professional lives presented give the reader an honest and insightful look at how people accomplish the jobs necessary for society.

Daniel D. Ferguson, Richard D. Paulsen, and Ariel Rodriquez.

The Proceedings of GIIC 2005, the 4th Global International Internship Congress, April 5-8, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Global International Internship Congress, 2007.

The 4th annual GIIC had participants from 37 countries. Eighteen papers provide practical and philosophical viewpoints on international internships for students. Dr. Ferguson is one of the pioneers in starting the Global International Internship Congress.

Earl Lee.

Raptured, the Final Daze of the Late, Great Planet Earth.
Tucson, AZ: Sea Sharp Press, 2007.

Earl Lee has created another humorous satire on Tim LaHaye’s popular “Left Behind” series. Raptured is the first volume of the “Kiss My Left Behind” series and introduces Ramrod Steel, his family, and the “rapture cult.”

Jonathan Holden, Greg German, and Stephen Meats, Eds.

Kansas Poetry. The Midwest Quarterly; a Journal of Contemporary Poetry, Summer 2007, volume 48, issue no. 4.

Dr. Meats and his fellow editors have created a tribute to Holden, who was the first designated Kansas Poet Laureate, having the title from 2005 to 2007, and to Denise Low, the Kansas Poet Laureate from 2007-2009. In addition, poems from 54 additional poets are included. The issue is concluded with four reviews of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.

Shannon Phillips and Randy Roberts.

A Closer Look; A Brief History of the Buildings, Facilities, and Sites of Pittsburg State University and the People for Which They are Named.
2nd ed. Pittsburg, KS: Pittsburg State University, 2007

The first edition of A Closer Look was published in 1999. With the second edition, the authors have updated several of the articles and have added new material for the buildings added to PSU since 1999. In addition, colored photos of the memorials and campus art have been included with their designers and dedication dates.

Marjorie K. Schick

Sculpture to Wear, the Jewelry of Marjorie Schick.
Contributions by Tacey Rosolowsky, Glen R. Brown, Paul Derrez, Helen Williams Drutt English, Fritz Falk, Elizabeth Goring, Suzanne Ramljak, Marjorie Schick, Helen Shirk, and Paul J. Smith
Stuttgart, Germany: Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2007

Marjorie Schick’s distinguished career is portrayed in this magnificent book. In addition to many full color plates of her jewelry being worn as body sculpture, Tacey Rosolowski presents a detailed introduction to Marjorie Schick’s art. In addition, various tributes and commentaries are interspersed with the display of art, giving the reader a fuller understanding and appreciation of the artist and her work.

Stephen L. Timme.

Wildflowers of Mississippi. 2nd ed.
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2007.

This new edition of Wildflowers of Mississippi, updated from the 1989 first edition, provides color photos and botanical detail of 2500 species of ferns, fern allies, sedges, rushes, grasses, woody plants, and forbs. It serves as a field guide for amateurs and a reference source for professional botanists.

For questions about the annual Faculty Authors Reception, contact Axe Library at 235-4878.
